The RSwNCB works with different conductors for different projects.LiseLotte Hjortenhammar is responsible for the musical quality of the Band. LiseLotte is also the current general leader of the Band.
Through the years, the RSwNCB has had the great privilege to work with many competent conductors. Here is a short list:
- Erik Berndalen
- Lars-Gunnar Björklund
- Nils-Gunnar Burlin
- Jörgen Flink
- Andreas Hanson
- Torgny Hanson
- Lars Hedlund
- LiseLotte Hjortenhammar
- Andreas Holmlund
- Anders Hårstadhaugen
- Leif Karlsson
- Andreas Kratz
- Lars Kvensler
- Patrik Randefalk
- Mattias Sandsjö
- Ulf Sigurdson
- Lars-Johan Svensson
- Oskar Sörnäs
- Jörgen Ådvall